15 Years and 10,000 Adoptions
When: Saturday, November 17
Time: 6pm – 11pm
Location: Doubletree Oak Brook
Registration: Download PDF
We hope that everyone will join us at our annual fundraiser this year. We will have a plated dinner with choice of entree, silent and live auctions, raffle prizes, split the pot, live music and more. Formal invitations will be in the mail next week or you can sign up next week at the shelter or we will have the information online later this week. Let’s celebrate in style at the Doubletree Oak Brook.
Sign up now to help sell raffle tickets for an iPad2 and other prizes. Donations of auction items being accepted now – do you have a service or business that you think would be willing to donate a prize – contact Gaile@hackhud.com to obtain our nonprofit letter and form. Volunteer to help at the event.
A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR VENDORS AND VOLUNTEERS WHO PARTICIPATED IN OUR SECOND ANNUAL VENDOR FAIR ON SATURDAY, 9/15. We made lots of new friends and everyone sold something. We also had several adoptions of some of our great cats and kittens. We hope you will join us next year.